First fully review the warranty documentation found above. If your claim falls within the warranty guidelines as defined within the documentation, you can then start a new warranty claim by submitting the Warranty Claim Request form:
Before submitting a claim note that warranty extends to normal usage, when the door has been properly installed and maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions subject to an inspection by a Steel-Craft Door Products Ltd. representative.
Note that warranty does not apply to any damage or deterioration caused by abuse or misuse, failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance as defined by Steel-Craft Door Products Ltd. maintenance and installation instructions, improper installation or handling, acts of God, fire, hail, flood, failure of paint applied after manufacture and distribution, alterations and/or additions to door or atmospheric conditions, including, but not limited to:
- Rust caused by damages or scratching.
- Areas subject to excessive salt conditions and/or atmosphere, including roadway salt transferred to the garage doors.
- Areas subject to extreme humidity and condensation.
- Areas subject to fallout or exposure to water, corrosive chemicals, fumes, ash, fire, cement dust, animal waste, or foreign substances.
- Areas subject to water runoff from lead, copper, or galvanic metal flashing.